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Playground undersurfacing materials

Looking for the best commercial playground equipment at a fair cost? Discover the perfect balance with adventure+ playground equipment designers. Dive into our insightful blog exploring the pros and cons of various undersurfacing materials. From rubber mulch to engineered wood chips, we unravel the choices, guiding you towards safer, more enjoyable play spaces for children all across Australia.

Industry Standards

First, it’s important to understand the requirements for the undersurfacing that surrounds any play equipment. Undersurfacing is an important consideration when reviewing the cost of your new playground. To comply with Australian Standard 4685:2014, impact-absorbing material must be used under commercial playground equipment with fall heights of 600 millimetres or more. It also needs to cover the full impact area surrounding the play structure. The best suppliers pay close attention to fall zones and fall attenuation requirements to ensure compliance and safety.

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Common undersurfacing options

Undersurfacing is required in almost all playgrounds, with the most popular options including loose organic materials like mulch and sand. Non-organic materials such as rubber, synthetic grass may also be used independently or in combination with loose organics. All of the below materials need to be tested in accordance with Australian Standards, to ensure they comply with the fall height.

Loose fill

Mulch and sand are common undersurfacing options in playgrounds. Mulch requires regular replenishment and not all types are approved for use in playgrounds. While there are many different mulches available on the market, not all have been tested in accordance with AS 4422:2016 and approved for use in playgrounds. Sand needs to be installed at a thicker depth but requires less maintenance. When considering sand, its abrasive nature and effect on playground components should be taken into account.


Custom designed playgrounds often incorporate non-organic undersurfacing such as sand, rubber and synthetic grass. The final decision may come down to cost and environmental requirements. Sand, for example, is affordable and fun for children to play in but also requires maintenance and safety considerations.

Rubber is another preferred choice for commercial playground equipment manufacturers, as it’s low-maintenance and extremely durable, offsetting a higher initial cost.

Synthetic grass has a higher cost as well, although the visual impact and comfort make it a popular solution.

Combination of undersurfacing materials

While searching, you may find that a combination of materials best suits the design. Our playground equipment designers can help you achieve a balance between aesthetic appeal, performance and cost with a combination of mulch, sand, rubber and grass throughout the different play areas.

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Playground equipment designers

adventure+ is proud of our brilliant play innovations and proven commitment to safety and quality. We hope our comprehensive analysis of undersurfacing materials helps you make informed decisions and create the ideal environment for your needs. Contact us online to get connected with Australia’s leading commercial playground equipment manufacturers.

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