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Mernda Primary School Pirate Ship


State of the art school play facilities

Mernda Primary School is a new school that has seen the value in investing in modern and well-designed play facilities for their school. Over the course of several years, adventure+ has worked closely with the school to develop these play areas, including a large pirate ship and a space themed tower.

Project Overview

Mernda, Vic

Client: Mernda Primary School

Spaceship themed playground and a customised Pirate Ship themed playground

Pirate ship playground

The fact that we are serious about play is demonstrated by the Pirate Ship Playground project at Mernda Primary School. The Pirate Ship is a huge customised ship almost 17 metres long and around 9 metres wide, and provides enormous opportunities for childhood development.

The ship is docked, linked to the dock via a rope bridge, and has three cubbies on the dockside, enabling the children to interact and socialise in different parts of the play space. The design includes over a hundred various play components, helping to light up the children’s sense of adventure.

Mernda Primary School
The Pirate Ship is a huge customised ship almost 17 metres long and around 9 metres wide

The sheer size of the ship drives the kids to keep up physical activity in order to explore all sections. They will give their little bodies a workout on the multiple rope climbers. And if they dare, they can even walk the plank towards a crocodile lurking beneath!

Mernda Primary School
The playground has three cubbies on the dockside, enabling the children to interact and socialise in different parts of the play space

Our client, Mernda Primary, wanted a huge pirate ship. Designing the playground to meet the client’s specifications was a challenge that was willingly taken on by our design team. The design is complex and required much thought to bring it together. The school wanted extra elements such as a treasure dig, which our project managers worked with the school to help install this.

Mernda Primary School
The ship is docked, linked to the dock via a rope bridge

Using our timber modular system combined with some creativity, we achieved an end result which was economical and affordable to the school.

Mernda Primary School

Space ship playground

The completion of the Mernda Primary School Spaceship playground project has proven to be a hit with the children. The Spaceship is a themed playground 7 metres tall and includes numerous climbing and interactive panels throughout the tower. There is a winding slide off the highest platform.

Unlike run-of-the-mill playgrounds, the design fuels the child’s creativity and sense of play by having children imagine being in a Spaceship. The sensory panels with rocket dials and gauges help children to feel they are in the real situation.

Mernda Primary School
The Spaceship is playground 7 metres tall and includes numerous climbing and interactive panels throughout the tower

Climbing ladders and stairs are included up the tower – enabling a great cardio workout as children race to the top. Additionally, the multi-level design with rest areas provides excellent ways for children to interact with each other. After their workout, they are rewarded with the huge slide from the highest platform, giving them a thrilling play experience. And finally, the two inground trampolines set in rubber undersurfacing also provide both fun and physical developmental outcomes.

Mernda Primary School
Climbing ladders and stairs are included up the tower – enabling a great cardio workout as children race to the top

Mernda Primary was after something adventurous and that stood out, but could be delivered within budget. As a result, we used an adventure+ concept from another project and customised it to suit the theme and exact requirements of the client.

Mernda Primary School
Mernda Primary School

Products used

Special design symmetry+ timber unit

This project includes a symmetry+ special design play unit that utilises white cypress timber as the main structural element.

Discover our symmetry+ range

Special design spectrum+ steel unit

This project includes a spectrum+ special design play unit that utilises powdercoated steel as the main structural element.

Discover our spectrum+ range

Trampoline Round (OLD)

Colour options

Kinda House Play Unit


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